$279.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Silverback Summit 2022: The Recordings

What you get:

- All 3 days of Silverback Summit 2022 recordings

- Understand the benefits + risks of testosterone replacement therapy, and decide if you are a candidate

- Know what lab tests are necessary for overall hormone optimization

- Know the exact tests to get to determine your ACTUAL risk of a cardiac event, instead of being told just to "lower your cholesterol", which may make things worse

- How to course correct for prostate cancer treatment

- Adopt nutrition and fitness strategies that are sustainable for a lifetime

- Know what the best initial approach to fat loss + muscle building is for YOU

In addition to all 3 days of recordings, also receive:

- 25% off Thorne products

- One month of Gorilla Coaching

- $200 off admission to Silverback Summit 2023